ye ol' quilt rack ...
quilt (kwilt)
A coverlet made up of many scraps of fabric then sewn together to create a specified design. -bd |
Many experiences all stored up together that describe one's life. -bd |
A bit of this with a tatter of that all "sewn" together to create a thing of beauty. -bd |
there you sit, day after day. i watch you and learn from you. you studiously address your work and let your mind formulate new ways to make our days easier. we break bread together, we laugh together, we cry together. many times we have entrusted each other with matters of the heart. we are family. we are sisters in the Lord. we are years apart in age and yet timeless in our appreciation and love for one another. i thank God for you. every day i watch as you grow and mature into a more beautiful person and i wonder what God has in store for you in your future. you are strong with a quiet reserve. there are many things i admire about you. i am most intrigued by the fact that i see you doing some of the same things i did at your age and I marvel at your tenacity. you are a rose amongst many thorns. -bd |
She was feeling lost, neglected, forgotten. Seems her life was just not going the way she had "once upon a time" dreamed it would. She had many blessings. Perhaps not what most folks would consider blessings, but to her she was surrounded by jewels; her children, her family. She was unsettled in her soul. Often condemned by the world for choices she had made (at such a tender age), she was mocked and ridiculed. Time was a healer though. Once, in a car with her mother; as her children slept in the back seat, she was given a gift of encouragement that she neither expected nor felt she deserved. You see, both of her brothers were ministers and she often felt that they "had it all together" and she just didn't. Her mother told her though ... "Honey, everyone always tells dad and I how blessed we are to have two sons in the ministry. We are. We are so thankful. I need you to know something though ... I am just as proud of you, if not more so. You have a way of looking at people thru the eyes of Jesus ... you don't see what the rest of us see ... you seem to see only the heart of a person." "Sure, everyone thinks that you have brought great shame to our family but I need you to know that you haven't. You have brought blessing upon blessing and we are so thankful for you."
Yet, never in a million years had she ever realized that her actions could, would effect so many. She had always felt the people she loved were hurt; her father was broken ... her children would be the target of hatred and fear. What none of them could see at the time was that God was right there with her. She was one of His. Even though she made her fair share of mistakes, He was faithful to watch over her. Her children would bless her in so many ways throughout the days of her life. They made her stronger as she witnessed their strength to endure, persevere and be happy in the process ... against all odds. Although she wished in her heart of hearts (as she grew older) that none of them would have had to endure the disappointments of this life, her vision became clearer as time went on and she could see the Master weave this unbelievably beautiful and intricate tapestry called life before her very eyes. -bd
I have found that life isn't always fair. No matter how hard you strive to do the right thing, say the right thing, apply the right thing .. sometimes life has a mind of its own and you "take one" right in the gut. How many times have I been thrown down, pushed aside, shoved to the back of this "heap". I smile thinking of some of them for as hard as my life has been, I have always survived. I have gotten back up, shrugged off the push and ignored the shove. Why not? There is enough fighting in this world without me contributing to it. I choose to fight the spiritual battle that rages within instead and thereby recognize the war that plays out around me. -bd |
Day to day living in Elkhart County sure is changing in unbelievable leaps and bounds. Many businesses here have closed their doors and many more will more than likely follow. I just read that one in four people in Elkhart County are now out of work. Our food pantries are out of food, our churches are feeling the strain as well. Mothers, fathers and children are being displaced as their unemployment benefits run out and their mortgages still come due. We are all children of a very mighty God. He is faithful to answer prayer. :)
Christmas 2008 came and went. I always love considering the story of the birth of baby Jesus every year. Less gift giving and more adoration and thanksgiving help to make Christmas seem even more special, more meaningful. Perhaps it is a day to concentrate on doing more for others and less for self. -bd |
What is my favorite color? You tell me ... here are your hints; what color is life? what color is love? what is the color of hope? of charity? of peace? what color is good health? what color is happiness? Whatever color they are ... that is my favorite color. -bd |
Consideration ... a little goes a long way. Respect ... give it and it reflects back to you. Love ... not always reciprocated, but certainly always beautiful. -bd |
I never saw it coming, Sam; your love, your intense loyalty.
The way you depended on me to keep you safe from harm ... for you carried the weight of having been horribly abused as a puppy. When I invited you into our lives I was smitten with you. Your gentle eyes ... that gave away the truths therein ... your bark and vicious growls that presented when you were approached belied the gentleness that I knew you desperately wanted to share. When you got sick at such a very young age, it broke my heart and I nursed you and nursed you and prayed for you to get well. I begged God to spare you but I suppose your short time here was just to bless me and teach me a lesson about trust that I needed to learn. I love you so and miss you beyond words. Just an animal ... just a dog ... maybe to some but not to me. You were my strong Sampson ... I thank God for you and I still cry like a baby every time I think of you! I probably always will.
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